Everything isn't always laid out clearly in black and white, this I know. Yet we too often try to tiptoe through the minefields on our own and end up in a world of trouble. The one thing I do know is the Lord likes to be consulted in the matter, and he does answer prayer. I've watched it happen too many times to discount.
What brought this all upon us was the visit of my girlfriend's girlfriend a few weeks ago. This darling girl was sharing with us a prayer she had prayed in her own life:
Lord, I'm tired of doing things my way. Please work out your will in my life and keep the counterfeits away.
Granted, in this case she had been praying specifically for the Lord to bring her her husband. The fact that that same weekend she was also spending time with her soulmate and new fiancee made her approach all the more appealing.
What is easy to overlook is the fact that God was faithful in every way he answered her prayer: he certainly kept away the counterfeits for a time. She recounted how for a while it seemed nothing worked out and there were more than a few heartaches along the way. Times of loneliness, impatience, frustration. I'm sure there were times she regretted praying that prayer.
But still I'm praying it, in every area of life.
Lord, open the doors you would have me go through and slam the others shut, definitively. Help me to accept and let go of the things you do not have for me, as painful and unpleasant as that might be.
And thank God for that testimony, and for the very present answer to a friend's friend's prayer. Seeing them together, sharing a little in their excitement, while knowing with every fiber of my being that they truly are a match made in heaven, is the best hope and encouragement a girl could have. It reminds me that God knows what He's doing, even when we don't. And the best things in life: career choices, education, friendships, relationships--- all are worth waiting for His best.
Dear Lord, keep me in your way and keep away the counterfeits.
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